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Key Features & Specifications
- 3-slot mainframe with USB and LAN
- 6 1/2-digit (22-bit) internal DMM, scanning up to 450 channels per second with new solid-state multiplexer module
- 9 switch and control plug-in modules to choose from
- 24-bit sampling rate of 800 kSa/s with a new DAQM909A 4 channel digitizer module
- Built-in signal conditioning measures thermocouples, RTDs and thermistors, AC/DC volts and current, resistance, frequency/period, diode test and capacitance
- 100k readings of non-volatile memory holds data when power is removed
- Hi/LO alarm limits on each channel, plus 4 TTL alarm outputs
- A BenchVue software license (BV0006B) is now included with your instrument. BenchVue makes it simple to connect, control instruments, and automate test sequences
- Advanced 6½, digit internal DMM with improved accuracy and faster measurement speed
- Ability to measure very low current ranges (1 &mu,A DC and 100 &mu,A AC) and higher resistance range (1000 MΩ)
- New auto-calibration that compensates for internal drifts caused by time and temperature changes
- 3497XA compatible, program and configuration
- All modules have been updated to have improved switching speeds and accuracies
- NEW DAQM900A solid state multiplexer with scan rate speed of up to 450 channels/sec
- NEW DAQM909A 24-bit digitizer module providing 4 channels, simultaneous sampling, differential inputs, and sample rates up to 800 kSa/s
- Delivery of spare parts and industrial equipment throughout the USA by Fedex transport company.
- Flexible payment system accepting bank transfers, MasterCard, VISA, PayPall, App Pay, Google Pay.
- Directly from stock and on order.